Awakening Quiz Insights

These are insights into how your mind is working

As we grow up through childhood we are absorbing everything around us like super sponges - absolutely everything our senses are capable of experiencing.

We are highly sensitive and influenced by others and our surrounding environment.

Society and family have a habit of incorporating their own judgments, beliefs, manipulations, opinions and behaviours onto us as children and we absorb it all making it all our own.

You know all this already, right?

  • Do you know that the consciousness vibration of your parents at the time of conception is a factor in your own consciousness?

  • As well as your experiences in the womb?

  • Generational patterns, behaviours and different levels of conscious awareness are also passed down to you through the consciousness of your developing cells.

  • And then you can add to the mix your thousands of incarnations...

  • And add all their childhood, generational & societal experiences.

  • We also create different parts and aspects of ourselves in every lifetime, for whatever reason, that are fully conscious in different dimensions.

The aspects and parts of us as a Divine Soul runs in to the MILLIONS.

To be Ascended is when all those parts have come ‘home’ to your Soul. All aspects and parts are integrated, transforming to Love – the highest vibration.

All lower vibrational energies dissipate & dissolve as they re-remember their Divinity. All experiences, with other souls too, are integrated as deep wisdom for your Soul’s expansion. Giving you a greater connection to the All-That-Is.

This is the Soul’s aim and journey for you. Your incarnation, at this very special time of humanity’s history, is no accident.

Insights to the Quiz Questions

Written with loving intentions to trigger you to Higher Consciousness

Judging yourself Consciously and Unconsciously

You will probably have said yes if you were honest and there’s no shame in that.

Recognising that your thinking is out of accord with Divine Consciousness is half way to healing it - to integration, wisdom and wholeness.

Any self judgements come from a place of ‘I’m not good enough’ comparing ourselves with others and may go way back to childhood or maybe from another incarnation that you’re unaware of.

You will see it in yourself as you feel the e-motions of lack, of not liking how you look etc.

The Goal

To be able to look objectively at life experiences, past and present, as an impassive observer. To truly love yourself, sustain the joy of your sovereignty as a high vibrational being.

We have many thoughts creating e-motions of varying vibrations and the goal is that every thought is based in the high vibration of Love. When this is a reality we are highly connected to our Soul and living Divine consciousness.

When we live from this place we are manifesting a beautiful, loving and fulfilling life in all its glorious aspects. We accept every part of our physical, e-motional, mental and spiritual being as Divinely perfect and purposeful.

The Solution

Be highly vigilant and acknowledge everything that you say to and about yourself with self compassion.

Be aware of your e-motions and when you are not in higher vibrations of joy, excitement and love.

Then take time to gently go deep inside to unpeel the layers to find the source of each judgement of yourself

Forgive yourself, never be harsh, angry or annoyed at things you say to yourself.

Be loving to yourself at all times.

Some of this will be easy for you

I will help with the others, going deep into your soul consciousness to transform the thought of ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m not enough’ to one of acceptance bringing the feeling of joy and contentment with what IS.


Judging Others

Your honest self will have said yes, although you probably will not have wanted to admit it. We are training ourselves not to judge, and to admit this feels like being told off, we all get that feeling.

Our society. and sometimes family too, lead us in to continual competition with others.

Either ‘I’m better than…’ or ‘I’m not good enough’ and these are more noticeable by the thoughts of ‘I don’t like…’ or ‘I wish I had….’ etc

We constantly compare.

Our ego’s very important job is to keep us safe.

It’s an adrenalin response that signals true safety concern and without a thought in your head.

Being in competition all the time is very tiring, using a lot of your energy which can result in illness, by constantly being in an anxious and stressed state.

We need to learn to simply Be.

The Goal

To discern whether the feeling in our body is a genuine safety concern or a judging thought creating the feeling.

The feeling or e-motion, is out of accord with love and is reflecting your thoughts back to you with the feeling itself.

Your feelings are your teachers.

Any e-motional thoughts or attachments to another that are out of accord with love is showing you that you are not truly seeing the Divinity of the other – we are all Divinely connected at a soul level with Source energy – All-That-Is.

The Solution

It starts with you, not with others.

I will take you deep into the parts of you that are out of accord with your higher vibrations

I’ll enable you to transform them to wisdom for a greater connection to your soul and unconditional love.

Leading to Divine connections with everyone

We can also do some deep work about a specific relationship. Go to the Book of Contracts page or the Multi-Dimensional Integration page where we will get to the source of a e-motional pattern that has lodged itself.


Crying as a Child

Of course you did.

Crying is good. Our magical bodies release unhelpful e-motions and energy by crying and we learn this as a child.

The problem arises when the experience causing us to cry is continually re-enforced. We lose the ability to release the energy through crying, it gains energy through our thoughts and gets stuck in our body.

Energy follows thought and attention, becoming creative intention. In other words we can be mis-creating unconsciously.

As adults we won’t even realise that an e-motion is stuck because we’ve grown up and have been living with it, it has become normal. As we become more aligned with the Divinity of our soul these stuck e-motions begin to show themselves for release – all good, although it may not feel like it at the time.

The Goal

To embrace all your e-motions with self-compassion as divinely orchestrated to show you something.

Have gratitude for triggers showing you deeply buried childhood issues that are causing disruption, even dis-ease.


The Solution

Unpeel the e-motions for release, to realise, re-align.

I will take you to the point of the initial e-motional impact, when it became stuck in your body rewriting your future adult life.

I will fully support you in the deep releases, both mentally and physically.

You will feel lighter and freer

Enjoying School

No, of course you didn’t completely enjoy school.

I have never met any child who naturally wants to sit still and be quiet at the age of 5, or 15 for that matter.

Young children are fully connected to their soul. Childhood is the time when they can freely ‘download’ their Blueprint for this life and the start the journey to their life purpose.

Yes we learn many interesting things, wrapped up in truth that are often only theories.

What we don’t learn is Universal Truths and taught individually to develop our unique skills and passions. We don’t learn about energy in motion and being heart centred, learning to navigate our e-motions and intuition.

The school focus is about being in our head, in our analytical mind which is only 5% of our brain capacity!

The Goal

To be able to look unemotionally at your school days and childhood

Giving gratitude for every experience and life lesson.

Giving gratitude to your inspiring teachers and forgiveness to those who were not so helpful.

Forgive yourself for any pain and problems initially created in your school days.


The Solution

This is deep work as many of our adult issues are related to the school experience.

These are hidden away to forget about, without any obvious connection.

I will free up the connections for you to release the very source of the childhood drama playing out in adulthood ~ that you’re probably unaware of.

We journey into your subconscious mind (95% of your brain) with the guidance of your soul. Look at the Multi-Dimensional Integration page

Opinions About Climate Change

You probably said yes.

This is more about having an opinion than climate change itself.

There are numerous scientific theories about climate change i.e. not fact, that others have implanted into our minds as Truth.

What is the Divine Truth about climate change?

Is the earth, as a sentient being or beings, making natural changes as we do ourselves?

"Only three things in life are certain: birth, death, and change.”

Proverb of anonymous origin

Many of us have taken on theories as beliefs as truths. This happens when we make our mind up about something.

Climate change being taught in school now has impassioned many young people ~ but is it out of fear?

All opinions are judgments. These have been planted in your mind by school or society.

Our part was simply to listen, read, watch and take it all in as truth, forming a belief and programme that our mind operates from.

The Goal

Divine wisdom.

The Universe never gives us the whole picture, as humans, and we must Trust with an open heart and mind.

To use your feeling body to discern information and experiences presented as truth.

To discern with your heart, soul, intuition and feeling body what the Universal Truths may be.

To open your mind that there may be other Truths.

To disentangle all your opinions that cause arguments, lower vibrational e-motions, control issues and come into peace.

The Solution

Feel the sensation in your body when you consider climate change, or any other e-motive subject. Use it as a trigger to go deep inside.

Anger and fear often present themselves with an e-motive subject.

The source to these sensations come form another aspect of you in your multiple dimensions.

I will take you there, turning it into wisdom and integrating it into your being for your soul’s expansion.

Scientific Proven Facts are all there is.

Of course you said no - you’re here!

The Medieval and Elizabethan “Golden Age” philosophers and experimenters coined the phrase ‘as above so below’. Their alchemy and search for knowledge through the 4 elements, mathematics and astrology, was purely to understand the spiritual universe.

Today science is awash with theories.

The more humble scientist will admit that their inspirations come from spiritual inquiry.

Tesla and Einstein notably, moved their works towards Universal Truths.

Gaining knowledge is extremely helpful when held in flow and not rooted as a belief. More complex and creative Universal concepts can then arrive from the soul for further development and understanding, leading us forward to exciting new discoveries ~ for ourselves and for humanity. Just like Tesla and Einstein.

This is creativity in action.

The Goal

Free yourself from limiting beliefs and programmes based on earthly, human given facts.

Use your learned knowledge as a springboard for spiritual inquiry.

Use your intuition i.e. passion and excitement, to take you to the next level of learning, acknowledging that this is spiritual guidance.

Communicate knowledge from your heart not your head.


The Solution

Programmes and beliefs can get us stuck and cause blocks to your spiritual development.

I will help you dislodge them.

Truth that your wisdom come from your soul and not what you already know.

It’s your job to tap into this by following your intuition, your guides, your soul and ultimately the multi-dimensional realm of all that is,

The more you do it the more you become your soul’s Divine purpose for you.

I will move you out of your analytical mind in meet your multi-dimensional aspects to gain the wisdom of Universal Truths - inspiration, gifts and limitless creativity that you cannot imagine.

Does Time Exist?

Yes and no, more no.

On earth we are given time in our lives so that we can have experiences and integrate the wisdom. This is linear time and it appears to exist.

We have time to understand who we truly are, to realise and release unhelpful energies, programmes and beliefs.

And most importantly to re-remember and awaken to our Divine soul’s nature here on earth - creating ‘heaven on earth’.

As a soul you are in the forever NOW moment and so time does not exist, not in a linear fashion.

As a human you will be more aligned with your soul, receiving continual messages, if you maintain the NOW moment.

This also exponentially expands your earth experience and your Divine connections with everyone and everything.

The Goal

Move your awareness, e-motions and thought processes away from linear time.

Transform past experiences from this life that keep your mind continually churning up the past, both consciously and unconsciously.

Equally release the programmes that move your thoughts to the future continuously.

And therefore manifest with clarity and purpose (not from your subconscious mind)

To live life in the Universal NOW moment.

Living an inspiring and exciting life of fulfillment, being consciously aware of your Soul’s messages and insights at every moment.

Your free-will to make choices become less important as your mind calms its chatter. Choice becomes inspiration from your soul.

The Solutions

Practice mindful awareness. i.e. your mind is ‘full’, complete and content with what is happening at this very moment.

The Universal NOW is all that truly exists.

This is how I can take you to other dimensions to integrate experiences and gain deeper wisdom as it’s all happening NOW.

I will guide you to transform what you may perceive as problematic aspects. That deep wisdom and transformation in one aspect will transform all aspects of you multi-dimensional being, now.

Read more on the Multi-Dimensional Integration page


Does Money Exist?

Yes and No

Physically you can say that it’s in your pocket as notes and coin, and you buy things using them. Yes money exists.

But the history of money and how our banks operate today show us that it doesn’t exist.

We know that money does not equal happiness. But this doesn’t stop us wanting it or worrying about it - so what’s going on?

Money equates to survival and it’s vibration sits in our lower energy system (chakras).

Opinions and beliefs about money, from a personal experiential perspective, as well as society, affect our reality.

All these programmes and opinions also exist in the collective consciousness and we continually tap into its energies - what is it saying to you?

On a side - to look at the ancient history of money, which is fascinating, I recommend the insights from Michael Tellinger on Youtube

The Goal

Know and trust that you are your Soul and therefore abundant in every area of your life.

Be a master manifester, the magnificent creator that your truly are.

Getting what you need by moving money to your upper chakras, into your heart and enabling your powerful manifesting capacity.

The Solution

Look deeply at your beliefs about money. These may have nothing to do with money itself - they could be about perceptions as a child.

For example; an angry adult who you were scared of happened to be rich, and therefore you equate money with anger ~ I know, hard to think possible, but this is how the subconscious mind of a child works.

And what about the hard work ethic that is drilled in to us?

I will guide you to aspects of yourself, going deeply into your beliefs about money in this life.

Other incarnations and any unhelpful aspects of your multi-dimensional being will also integrate, giving you deeper wisdom changing your energy about money and abundance.

Read more on the Multi-Dimensional Integration pages


Do You Exist in Other Dimensions?

Yes you do

You are creating parts and aspects of yourself every time you make decisions.

You create your reality in multiple dimensions.

What you sense in your consciousness day to day is only one reality.

Are you giving your focused attention to the past? Or the Future? Or NOW ?

Energy follows your thought.

What you put your attention upon you manifest, consciously or unconsciously.

All your thoughts and attention NOW have effects on all your multi-dimensional aspects and incarnations simultaneously, including your past in this life.

Your Soul gives you this gift for its expansion ~ all these multiple experiences to learn from.

The Goal

Integration of all aspects of yourself.

Create from the NOW moment - no thoughts or e-motions of the past or the future.

Manifesting with Ease and Grace

Heightened awareness of your Soul’s expansion to higher consciousness - manifested here on earth in your current life.

Become Love.

The Solution

Watch your thoughts like a hawk!

Be aware of sensations in your body that are out of accord with the highest vibration of Love.

Never berate yourself about your thoughts. Accept and acknowledge your journey to integrating your Soul on earth.

Use your thoughts and sensations as triggers and clues to an aspect that you need to look at more deeply and clear.

Some of this will be easy.

I will take you to those parts that are more complex or feel difficult to access or are invisible.

This is raising your human vibration to match your Soul’s higher vibration.

Learn more of how I can help in the Multi-Dimensional Integration page

Maybe something has come up for you as you read and acknowledge my insights, if so, connect with me for a free 30 minute consultation