2020 - There's a Lot Going on!

2020 is a special year in your history, the history of humanity. You chose to be here for this very special time – why do you think there’s a population explosion on the earth at this time? Everyone wants to be here. Everyone I say, but we’re talking of not humans but souls.

Some of the ascended masters have chosen to re-appear, to help teach you, to move you quickly into a higher dimension.

Some of the ascended masters are manifesting in the most unlikely places for your learning. It may be a split second of comprehension, wisdom downloaded as you realise something. It may be a short-term lover, it may be the man on the bus.

Be aware

To be aware is to be in the now, to see all souls, all humans, as the Divinity that they are – God spark as you are. The connections between you all are immense. And when you’re fully aligned with your own self in the now moment, you can comprehend this.

You will also be able to catch your judgments and pull them back and forgive yourself for that slight misdemeanour. It’s just a programme running – the more you catch it, the more it will stop. Go deep inside it and see what other beliefs you have ….

Maybe somebody isn’t dressed so cleanly because they’re on the street – what is that programme running in you (that you have a judgement?). Did your mother tell you that you must be clean all the time? ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ ?

Look at these programmes and release them, let them go, give them to the Universe, given them to your spirit guides and angels and ask for help to free yourself from such programmes, and forgive yourself.

It’s not always your fault – little children as sponges.

What is your fault is to continue to run these programmes when they’re unnecessary.

Don’t stop looking out for those synchronicities, those signs. You’re getting messages all the time. Sometimes they’re visual, sometimes they’re little voices, sometimes it’s a feeling in your body – all these things are designed to keep you on track.

Release the programmes quickly by just giving them up. Identifying them is the way to release them. Ask for help to see them.

This one tended to go through deep and huge clearances every few months, whilst also clearing out the smaller things – when something comes into her mind she clears it, when an image pops in from childhood she clears it. This is very good practice.

She’s now wondering why she gets the big bang of intensity of something deep that she needs to clear. Well my dears you only get what you can handle, and she can handle it.

The deeper it goes the more extraordinary the wisdom that comes, the integration of the knowledge, and the physical embodiment of that wisdom – excitement and joy and the lightness of being.

And so she will always say it’s worth it. And indeed it is.

So my dears, reach out, do not believe that you are suffering, you know it will pass. Reach out to your closest friends and dear loved ones who understand what it is to clear and heal.

If you feel that you can’t share you can share with this one. She is very wise and will help if you ask. And as I say this she’s wondering what this means for her (I was laughing and surprised because Jesus actually said this !)

Through her you can reach me. If you can’t call me yourself (for whatever reason) call out to someone else. Ask for help in what can be difficult times, where you may feel overwhelmed by energies – your own energies !

You’ve asked for these energies,

You’ve asked for clearance,

You’ve asked to be pushed to the 5th dimension,

You’ve asked for the expansion of knowledge and wisdom,

You’ve asked for integration with your higher self,

You’ve asked that humanity awakens,

You’ve asked for all of this and now you’re getting it.

2020 is a very exciting year. There will be lots of humps and bumps, there will be some mountains to climb, there will be some deep valleys BUT it will all be worth it.

Your future is very bright.

Your future is magnificent, each and every one of you will be reaching a higher plane of existence in the very near future.

I am that one you call Jesus

I am always with you, right by your side. Just call and I’ll be there to help you in any time of need, any time at all.

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Understanding Energy in Motion - Your E-Motions


Tap into Multiple Universes & Dimensions