
Self sabotage is the theme and you all know of it.

That important meeting, that special gathering, something you have to do, somewhere you have to be. And something within you is telling you that you don’t want to meet, you don’t want to go.

When inside too you have the conflict, of you KNOWING you have to be in a certain place, do a certain thing, at a certain time.

So there’s turmoil inside. It can be very subtle or it can manifest as something more extravagant to lead you away from where you’re supposed to be

What’s going on here?

I too had self sabotage when I was walking the earth

I knew I was going to my death – that’s something you can’t sabotage.

And while Kirsty is laughing her head off right now, which is good, I could have sabotaged what my destiny was.

I still had free choice. I still had the freedom to say yes or no to that journey that I chose to make.

The Divine God Source explained to me why I had to go to my death in that way, in that time, in that place and so I understood - It was the huge learning for me and others - and I had a few years to prepare.

Now we’re not talking about something so drastic as preparing for your death – although that’s not a bad thing to do – prepare for your spirit to go home, as you don’t know when it’s time.

We’re talking about many of the things that you DO know – where to be, what to do is of your own making - your schedule. So why would you sabotage your own schedule?
Self sabotage is very common

Your Divine essence is telling you to be somewhere, you’ve agreed and you have it in your diary.

And there’s something whirling around inside you stopping you doing that thing.

For this one she realises her own self sabotage. She makes choices of avoidance even though she knows and WANTS to be in a certain place, at a certain time, doing a certain thing.

Maybe a meeting feels like conflict, maybe a meeting feels like pushing your boundaries, maybe a meeting feels like something too new, or change, or a challenge.

My dears, this is your ego mind trying to keep you safe from something, whilst your higher self / Spirit is pushing you in a direction for your own good. It’s a conflict within yourself

Consider those avoidance tactics that you use yourself. This one knows exactly what she does.

The lack of self-worth can be overcome by understanding that your guides and teachers, your higher self, God Source and me included, are all nudging you in a particular direction to help you advance, to help you expand, to help you learn and develop.

Otherwise stagnant energies can upset the balance of your body, mind and deplete learning that you’ve previously absorbed to get to this point – you are a standstill.

Life is a constant expansion and this is why we nudge and push you in particular directions – to expand.

Your mind is trying to keep your safe

Worry and anxiety about a date or something that you’ve scheduled in your calendar is your mind keeping you safe. Your mind puts these worries, anxiety and stress into your being and therefore it becomes self sabotage.

Something you can do is to find the triggers to the self sabotage, the avoidance, the lack within you of wanting to expand – what are the triggers?

Have a look through your diary and pinpoint those times where you’ve self sabotaged – ask why did you do it? Is there a running thread? A commonality between these times? And you will find the trigger.

For this one it’s challenge, something of great challenge brings on avoidance

And remember dear ones that those beings who are scheduled in your meeting / gathering, whatever it is, are also there for you to help expand in some way, for their own teaching an learning. And with your self sabotage you are affecting their journey too.

But remember that we are nudging and guiding you in a particular direction and those other beings that you are scheduled to meet are also having the same (nudges and guidance)

When you remember this – that your guides and teachers are pushing you to expand – you can look upon that date/ meeting in a different way.

You have asked for this. You want to expand – there’s no denying that. Consider it in this way

We are all with you, we are all holding you and there’s always a reward – your expansion, knowledge, wisdom and your development. Even in conflict, what you consider as conflict, is a trigger to look at how it arose. Always put love into the mix, you ARE Love

So self sabotage my dears is only your mind, and maybe your inner child just being worried about something new. It’s a much smaller issue than you realise.

And when you have self sabotaged over the whole of your life, to find out what the avoidance trigger is can be quite difficult because it’s subtle – you’ve been living with it and it’s hard to recognise. Try your best to find it, to move on and expand, to be your Divine self – True and shining your Light, overcoming challenges.

I am that one you know as Jesus

I am always with you, ask me to help. I’ll be at your side to help you through the obstacles and challenges for your development.



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You are the Butterfly that Flaps its Wings Causing a Tsunami


You are ALL Healers