Set your Affirmations High

This is not only a time of affirmations. This is a time of need. A time to give so much to your world – peace on earth, a change in the monetary system, equality, no poverty in any way anywhere in the world, for compassionate justice. A place where rules are unnecessary because each an every being has Divine respect for each other

In your own world, your inner world, your individual world, these are the same affirmations for you – peace of mind, peace of body, compassion for yourself, respect for yourself

Energy follows thought

You are Divine beings and you have every assistance available to you, you just need to ask – to clear those last hurdles of blockages - the major blockages - the ones that are preventing you from making this leap forward.

They will come up – do it voluntarily, rather than have the feelings come up in your body and you have no control of them - no matter what’s going on you’ll have to deal with them.

So, make it easy for yourself.

Write down your affirmations and manifesting for this day and be aware of any uncomfortable feelings that arise as you write them down. What do you want? What do you REALLY want?

The big stuff – peace on earth, and the big stuff for you too.

This is a time of abundance and there will be difficulties too as you explore those final blocks and hurdles, but it’s always worth it.

You can look over the last few years to see how much you have developed, how much you have changed, and of course you will say that it’s all been worth it, to become more of who you truly are – a Divine being, essence of God Source,

Do not struggle, go with the flow, let it wash over you - let the energies wash over you - and ask for them to help you clear those last things in your mind impeding you from operating as a Divine being in every moment of your day.

There is a phrase ‘you only get what you can handle’ and this is true. It could be challenging but only because the energies may upset your rhythm, your normality, what you’re used to – but it will all be worth it as you move to the new paradigm on earth.

Set the goals and your affirmations high and work towards them in this period when the energies (coming in to help) are strong.

Confirm to yourself that this is important for you and as you change yourself you change the whole world = peace, beauty, love and respect, compassion for all sentient beings – human, plant, insect etc

Do not go into despair, consider this message as hope – massive changes are coming - what you’ve wanted, what you’ve prayed for, and it’s all good.

I am that one you know as Jesus

Send your prayers to me and I will be at your side to help at this very special time.

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Tap into Multiple Universes & Dimensions


New Earth