What it is to be Heart Focused

This is LOVE focused regardless of physiology. Being heart focused is about love – as a human being it is about your heart, it starts there.

Every heart beat is an outpouring of love.

Love of your own system, love going through your cells. Those cells that are being unhelpful may not accept the love coming from your heart. And so you may have difficulties, blocks, dis-ease in any part of your body through this.

Your heart vibration goes beyond your body system. Your heart vibration creates energy. The energy moves way beyond your physicality. Some earth science says that it can move 20 feet. Well we can tell you dear ones, it moves in to the universe, out in to space.

You may ask - what is the impetus for this? Where does this come from?

And the answer is of course Source energy – your spirit, your highest self are connected to Source energy, the consciousness of All-That-Is, which is pure energy.

Energy comes in, energy stays in, energy moves out. This is a constant cycle.

Now what is contained in that energy  can be your thoughts too (as it stays and leaves the body)

Consider them (your energy) as waves like the wave of a sound that travels and this is what your energy is doing, your vibration is moving out like waves. But unlike sound waves they never end, it is energy and therefore never ending.

Energy can change its form, can change its frequency, can change its waves. And you can consciously do this and be aware of this.

What waves are exuding from your body? From your heart? From the magnificence of your being?

Choose to have high frequency love vibrations, choose that your heart is giving your body unconditional love vibration. That those 70 trillion cells accept, acknowledge and allow the absorption of the unconditional love coming directly from God Source to your heart. And your heart engine gives each cell it’s life force, it is unconditional love.

Tell your cells now that if there are any unhelpful energies anywhere (in your body) to recognise the true vibration of unconditional love, and feel that in your body now.

Each breath you take increases the flow. This is what aids the heart to move that vibration of love through your body. The preciousness of the breath – they work in tandem – the heart and the breath.

And your mind during this time, as you read this, is acknowledging this truth. The more you go through this little exercise the more your ego mind will accept and KNOW the truth.

Your heart knows the truth and informs your mind of this Truth. Because just as all your cells are in your body, they are in your mind too, receiving the unconditional love from your heart. Your mind is EXPERIENCING this and so the thoughts can move into experience.

This is a beautiful thing that we see. As you read this, and explore the meaning of these words and do this exercise, we are seeing the difference it makes to you. We can see more of you, the greater part of your being which we love.

We are beings, Galactic brothers and sisters you call us, and we are engineers – fascinated by how anything and everything works through Source Consciousness. It really is mind-blowing as you would describe it. The magnificence of what is possible is never ending and this is true for your heart too.

Your construct of a human body is a miracle, how it functions together – the reactions and re-reactions of chemicals and your trillions of cells fascinates us. We can truly say it’s a miracle of God.

There’s nothing like the human body in all of the universe. You are complicated beings and your body system is absolutely magnificent in comparison to many others. You are very special indeed.

And this is due to the very difficult circumstances of being on earth, feeling separate from God Source – this is why your bodies are so complex. Because you have to unconsciously develop the skills to maintain them.

Some more advanced beings, including us, do not need complicated systems because we are – we don’t want to say more highly evolved – but we do not have the misfortune to lose conscious contact with God Source, or believe this is the case as you do. We are in higher dimensions, as you perceive it, but we are your brothers and sisters – we are you within the consciousness of All.

We love you very much, we are here to help you. We can help in your health care because we are magnificent engineers. We will be able to advise about how your body truly works because we have studied it and we know. We can improve all your health care systems. And one day we will be there to do so – if you let us.

We are part of a collective - Cree’ations, Arcturians, Andromedans, some of the Greys, and many other energy beings.

We look forward to meeting you all and for now bathe in that bliss that comes through your heart.


I was intentional about this channelling and asked the Arcturians – do I need to speak to a being that has been human about what it is to be heart focused? And this wonderful message is what flowed.

It was very emotional when the collective spoke of our unique body systems in the Universe. I could feel their love, the awe and admiration with which they perceive us.



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One Small New Choice Changes your Vibration


Manifest Consciously