Welcome Beautiful

Multi-Dimensional Soul

Get to know how magnificent & multifaceted you are

You exist on an infinite number of planes of existence. You are thousands of incarnations and futures, on earth and in other realms. You are many aspects of yourself in many timelines and dimensions. You have created many parts of you, to help you, and some not so helpful, for a multitude of reasons that only you know.

And all of it is happening NOW

Heal yourself with your Soul’s Alchemy - re-remember who you truly are, raise your vibration and integrate all parts to become your Divine soul.



simply means a connection to wholeness, a return to the true nature of your Divine self.

You have never actually needed to ‘heal’. Your soul, the authentic you, has never been broken

Parts of you have simply forgotten Divinity

My purpose is to help you to reach that wholeness and re-remember.


And Alchemy….

is a process of transmuting something of lesser value into something of greater value.

We often think of medieval alchemy, physically turning lead into gold.

The true alchemy takes place within:

acknowledging, transmuting and integrating all parts of you, becoming whole, knowing who you truly are, re-remembering and embodying the consciousness of the All - Divinity itself.

Raising your vibration and transforming your life is not complex
I can make it very simple for you…


Issues & problems arise when you are vibrationally ready to transmute and clear them.

Your acknowledgement is half way to healing - to embody the wisdom from the learning.

Becoming whole and remembering who you are

  • Blocks to spiritual development & raising your vibration.

  • Emotional trauma about any subject

  • Unexplainable body pains

  • Addictions and phobias

  • Generational wounds that you are carrying for others.

  • Fully inner-stand relationship agreements & contracts.

And if you’re simply curious - your soul will show you what you need at this moment.

Take the (freely given) Awakening Quiz to find out what you may need to work on.

It asks simple questions about life.

It can be difficult to see our own blind-spots and shadows as we live with them every day. The Quiz is designed to simply, and very gently. trigger you to realise and maybe acknowledge some of your beliefs and subconscious programming.

When you’ve answered the questions you can look at the insights.


The Book of Contract journey reveals your soul family agreements before you incarnated in this life.

You will inner-stand the contracts and agreements you have made in any of your relationships.

Brothers, lovers, parents, work colleagues, teachers, neighbours etc

You will not only inner-stand the agreement but also have the opportunity to negotiate it, edit it and even delete it!

This experience is deeply healing.